

in and nothing more.

Tenurial: relating to the act, manner, right, or term of holding something, such as a position, property, or office. For example, a teacher may receive a tenurial status after a trial period, which protects them from dismissal except for serious cause. 

politics, education


What is the meaning of the word praxis?

action, practice

1. : action, practice: such as. a. : exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill.

life, experience, meanin

Facile: An adjective that means easy or easily done, but can also mean done with undue haste or shallowness. For example, you might describe someone’s answers to complex questions as facile. The word comes from the Latin words facilis, meaning “easy,” and facere, meaning “to make or do”. 

Histrionic: personality disorder is a chronic condition characterized by a pattern of attention-seeking behaviors.

Cognitive dissonance: psychological state of discomfort that occurs when a person’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors are inconsistent. It can also refer to the tension of holding two conflicting beliefs simultaneously. 


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